Up, over, under and away...
"Morning, it's 3am and I'm too excited to sleep so I thought I'd post a blog of what's keeping me awake."
This weekend, 18th & 19th March I have been asked to take out two walks From Seaford Martello Tower Museums on the seafront, to give an updated talk re' my very popular 'Living Shoreline' and in addition, an introduction with a few surprizes, to a Film I'm finishing this Spring and this weekend's walk is entitled 'Fauna & Flora over and under Seaford Head' and you might still get a place on the walk on the EVENTBRITE site, 'Walk this Way' run by Visit.Lewes or Tourist info in Lewes but if not do contact me for perhaps a later small group or one to one walk of your own.
The same goes for the following weekend 25th and 26th March. This time at Lewes entitled
'Flora & Fauna of Lewes town and the South Downs'
This walk is update of my popular walk 'Reconnect to Nature' and also previews a film I've been making about a fascinating connection between wild flowers, butterflies and birds of Lewes and the meadows above.
Oh, and I now have April and May Nature Notes written and ready for the local 'Lewesian Magazine'
and It's now 4am so I'd better get to bed as I have a train to catch at 7.30 am! See you all soon, Steve
PS Here's hint of what's included in the Lewes Walks & Talks; although we shan't be actually going up on the Downs until the Summer, this walk is in Railway Land and the water meadows below, Cheerio